
Aspiring Robotics and Mechatronic
Systems Engineer
+ Content Creator
+ Musician

Aspiring Robotics and Mechatronic
Systems Engineer
+ Content Creator
+ Musician

Will you join me?

To use science, technology, engineering and music to impact the world!



Middle name – God’s gift in Ika


A Snippet of Me

I have been blessed by God with the gift to create and innovate unique works and solutions with any material or medium while using any tool or device at my disposal and any technique and process I have learned.
With this gift, I desire to innovate, create, and
develop amidst any circumstances to positively impact my home
country, Nigeria and better the world around me.
What You’ll Find Here









WidowX Arm HIWONDER Bionic Hand Embedded System

                                                                                                                   Imagine helping persons who were either born without certain limbs or lost them at some point in their lives regain their ability to communicate socially through bodily gestures and be able to express themselves creatively such as by playing an instrument. You do not have to imagine this because we developed an embedded system that could do just that on its own.

Xbox Woodpecker Electric Vehicle Interface

                                                                                                                    Our minds and abilities were pushed to create our own interfacing and electric vehicle control software based on vulnerabilities in electric vehicles. This was done as part of our Hardware & Software Intergaration course in collaberation with VICEROY scholars research program sponsored by the Department of Defense. 

MIDOK Co-Pilot App

Drone Development Project

                                                                                                            From semi-autonomous robots to drones, I have been able to dive deeper into my field of study, robotics and mechatronic systems engineering, developing and expanding my skillsets to now include avionics.
Check out this project, a drone, which I developed with the help of an Electrical engineering major, Andres Diaz Navas.

If you like these projects,
you'll like the rest!


Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

Controls Engineering Intern

standing up pic

Test Automation
Engineering Intern

Scholar Key Award

The award in the form of a medal and certificate is given to a junior with a 3.8 or higher GPA. I am a senior currently, and my G.P.A is 3.98.

Some of My Accolades
Tau Beta Pi Award

The award in the form of a plaque is given to the full-time sophomore Engineering student who has attained the highest overall GPA in his academic studies, worthy of consideration for future membership in the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honours Society, the most prestigious engineering honour society in the United States that  represents the entire engineering profession.  I am currently a member and the president of my school’s chapter.


Featured Videos


"no Rush"

Asaf and I wrote a banger of a song that I know you’ll love. Enjoy the music, the rythm and vibes.


This is a statement that Africans need to take their place in this modern era and defy all odds. Our motherland has been neglected enough!