

There are so many aspects to a human. Even I can not tell you everything about myself, but I can try.

My Story

I am unlike anyone you have ever met simply because of the grace of Jesus Christ


 What’s my origin story?

 If you couldn’t already tell from my name, I am a Nigerian and a member of the Ika tribe. I am from the beautiful rural-urban city village Agbor, which is located in Delta state in the southern part of Nigeria. 
I was born in Lagos, and I lived there for 9 years of my life in which I attended Tunwase Nursery and Primary school. Afterwards, I moved to the capital of the country, Abuja, where I completed my primary education at Funtaj International School for another 1 and a half years. In both schools, I succeeded both academically and in my extra-curricular activities.
For the next 6 years after, I attended Loyola Jesuit College situated in Gidan-Mangoro, Abuja. There, I completed both my Junior and Senior secondary education. I had numerous achievements in academics, music, leadership and sports.


 What’s my passion?

My calling is to use whatever resource, skill and knowledge base at my disposal to augment my God-given natural talents in developing both creative and useful products. I desire to keep learning and exposing myself to varying experiences to boost my capacity to not only develop such types of products but to ensure they are technologies of impact. In doing so, I will be gloryfying the name of God, Jesus.
This is in part why I am pursuing a degree in Robotics and Mechatronic systems engineering Honours as I have a wide range of interests spanning physics, chemistry, mechatronics, electromechanical systems, programming and many more. Hence, due to the variety of my interests and my unique passion, I sought a major and a career best suited for me. My search led me to my present major at the University of Detroit Mercy. It is the perfect niche that encompasses all my interests and grants me the level of difficulty to drive myself, my gifts and my skills to the greatest of heights.
Also, as I mentioned I can use any resource and knowledge at my disposal to augment by natural talents. Thus, I am not just limited to the sciences and engineering, I employ this further in the arts and music. I sing, play the saxophone and produce songs and music videos. I write numerous pieces on the development of oneself, politics in my country, Nigeria, and around the world, science & engineering etc. I produce different content on music, engineering, politics etc. which I share on my social media such as YouTube and some of which you can find on this website.


 What Drives Me? 

I see different, I act different, I think, and I feel different from everyone else. I have always been alone within myself, within my thoughts submerged within a vast universe filled with my somewhat endless imagination all contained in my mind. With this, I see patterns, connections, underlying relationships and possibilities most people would not be able to conceive. A God-given gift, I presume enhances my ability to understand everyday phenomena, people’s behaviours and problems enabling me to proffer solutions and innovative ideas.
  My mind is so spectacular that I can visualise whatever I imagine as if it is physically present. Hence, I can use my mindscape as my sketchpad, worksheet, and personal playground in real-time anywhere in the world. It enables me to process data and information better, and in an almost instant manner, especially when I do not have a physical medium such as paper to do so. 
In my classroom, I can see the concepts taught not just in my mind but physically. I do this a lot when I am brainstorming ideas, studying and engaging in discussions. My thinking process is then somewhat projected into the physical realm. With this, I can establish connections with seemingly unrelated ideas or variables helping me to retain information better.
With this extraordinary gift, my mind is a whole universe, where imaginative characters come to life and play out. They are figments of my imagination which constitute characters from comics, tv shows, and movies that I read and watch.
This form of imaginative thinking enhances my ability to connect with people, their emotions, and truly put myself in their shoes. Just like before, I can visualise their experiences and stories in the first person as if I was the one who went through them. At times feeling the almost exact emotions they felt improving my feeling of empathy and sympathy for people and their experiences.
I see myself or better yet liken myself to the “Master Builders” of Lego, as I can create, invent and innovate if given the right tools, materials and opportunities without a setout guideline, book or manual. For example, I can put together and configure faulty devices, software, and objects as well as recreate or rearrange things in ways people will not fathom. Likewise, being able to open the eyes of other people and reconfigure their thoughts, making them see the world from a whole new point of view.
  The Status quo and the mirage of life imposed on the people of this world by the society they have found themselves have blinded them and have reduced the extent to which they can imagine. Due to this, most people rarely dream beyond the level of their parents, friends and siblings, thus preventing them from developing their thoughts, opinions and experiences because society has imposed theirs on them from the start. They end up never developing their “third eye” but borrow the eyes of others, thinking they can see meanwhile still being blind to other aspects, views and possibilities of life.
  They end up ordinary, the same with not much of a life goal other than to get a good job, a responsible wife and raise good kids. Few dare to dream above what life has set before them, and when they do are mocked and told their dreams are impossible to achieve. Only those with a conviction and ability to see the cage their minds, souls and bodies are in can hold unto their dreams, dare to change the world and bring their plans to life. I am one of those people.
 I dare to innovate, create and develop amidst my circumstances, to dream beyond logic and reasoning because they too are products of human imagination.